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Thursday, November 27, 2014

We moved!!!

Well Kaspin and I made it to NC!! Took us 21 hours to drive and basically 3 days!! The most stressful thing I am sure Kaspin and I have ever done! We had terrible rain to drive through for hours. Including terrible rain in the night for hours. If my steering wheel would have been thick glass I would have broken it!! Since I was gripping the wheel so hard!!! After all the rain and darkness we made it to lexington KY to stall Kaspin for the night. We drove 9 hours and 44 mins this day. Kaspin was pretty stressed and breathing hard. Gave some banamine for his bit higher temp 101.4 and for his muscle pain. Kaspin was so out of shape for this trip. Due to the laminitis he was recovering from the last 6 months. We were to travel to NC the next day but we decided to not travel. Kaspin needed more time to rest. We needed more time to rest! And the weather was still crazy! 30 to 45 miles per hour wind now!! Wasn't going to travel in this!! Took off the next day and what another tough day that was!! We drove 12 hours to NC! Longest day of my life through the mountains. Twisting and turning, up and down constantly. It was nuts!!! THEN  of course more rain and my running trailer lights went out in KY!! On both these days we traveled we would stop to give Kaspin muscle breaks and a break in general. I was also giving horse calmer paste. To keep Kaspin calm while traveling. The calmer helped a ton and so glad I used it. Kaspin isn't too fond of the trailer in general. All and all I am super proud of Kaspin!!!!!!!!! Here are pictures of our journey along the way. I moved my home, dog, 2 cats, Kaspin, AND my fish in my 12 gallon fish tank!! Just happy that we made it here all safe and sound! I never want to do a long distance trip like that again!! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! Safe Kaspin and J9 


  1. Yay I'm glad you made it!!!! I'm so glad Kaspin is okay. I was worried about him. Moving one hour was a horrible experience. I can't even imagine how bad that was for you guys, but it's all past you now and you're in your new home and hopefully enjoying a fantastic Thanksgiving. A lot to be thankful for! Let us know what Kaspin thinks of his new barn when you have a chance. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

    1. Thanks!! Yeah I never want to do something like that again! I forgot to also mention that I shaved him to keep him cooler from stressing so much in the trailer too. Yes! So far he loves the new barn. He was really happy the next morning. Since he was able to walk around all night and catch up on eating tons of hay. He is on a dry lot with lean to. This place only has a round pen but I hope to later have Kaspin in my backyard and I won't have much then either. So might as well get used to it. Smiles!

    2. Good, I'm glad he's feeling better and that he likes it there! Any idea how long it will take before you can have him at home? I think you'll love having him at home. It's easier to take care of them especially since he has such specific needs and you don't have to worry about someone forgetting something. You can also ride whenever you want without having to drive anywhere. It's awesome. :)

    3. Probably not till this summer maybe?? We own 17 raw acres now. So we need to build a home, water, electric, fences, etc. My boyfriends brother is buying 70 acres with a home here also. But cannot move here for 2 to 3 more years yet. So we probably will move in there(right now we are at the parents home). But even on the 70 acres we need to put up fencing, run water, lean to, etc too. I also will need another horse or a pony to come home also. Otherwise Kaspin will be scared by himself. So lots to figure out before he will be in my backyard. Also not sure how much I will ride alone? Kaspin is a chicken by himself. We will see??? Thanks!!!

    4. Cool. It's all so exciting!! :-)

  2. So glad to hear you made it safely. Sounds like a trip you'll be glad to have behind you.

    1. Yes, for sure. Never want to do a long distance trip like that again!! Thanks!

  3. Tell me more about the calmer paste...I've never heard of it.

    1. I get most of my horse supplements from a company called They sell a paste called seriquin paste. You give 40 mls every 2 to 4 hours as needed. It worked great on keeping calm but not lazy. Kaspin mentally stresses very easy normally. :)
