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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Dirty and Kaspin sick again!

Well so much for Kaspin feeling the best in a long time. Tonight Kaspin was too quiet. My friend mentioned on Sunday that he was quiet when she fed him dinner. She thought he was nice and relaxed from his first ride. But no Kaspin is sick. He is still eating, drinking, and no temp so far but he is not right. Tonight I worked him about 10 mins to see how he was? Kaspin actually did really nice for not feeling well. After the 10 mins I noticed Kaspin was breathing very hard with his sides moving and nostrils flaring. That sure is not normal! He also at this point didn't want his sugar free treats either! I gave him some time to catch his breath and cool off. Afterwards he did catch his breath and then did take treats and when he went back outside he munched on hay again. He was also eating hay when I got there this evening. So definitely a respitory problem. Vet is coming out at 10 am tomorrow. Hopefully we can fix Kaspin back up fast and wow was he dirty!! Send us some healing thoughts!! P.S. yes I voted today too. 


  1. Sending healing vibes Kaspins way

    1. Thanks, he seems better this am. I just updated blog. :)

  2. Oh, no! Good wishes coming Kaspin's way and (((hugs))) to both of you.

  3. Oh, I wanted to add what a good horsey owner you are in noticing that he wasn't right so quickly. You are so very tuned in to your guy.

    1. Funny even my vet and some friends in the barn thought I was crazy, LOL. I know my boy, LOL. Thanks!

  4. Poor Kaspin! I hope he is feeling better! It's no fun being sick. :(
