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Thursday, February 23, 2012


Enzo still has a runny butt(no diarrhea, or cow pies). Vet and dentist still think it's because of his teeth and he still is having a hard time eating/chewing his hay. Fecal is negative and clear from sand.  We also tried pain meds for 7 days to help with jaw pain in mouth to help Enzo eat. That didn't change the butt situation at all either. The vet also had me purchase bio sponge from platnium performance. But so far on day 3 of this supplement, I don't see much difference:( The company said give it 7 to 10 days but results should be fast, hmmmm. Next I can try, SUCCEED. It's really expensive and I pray that might help? Only other thing I could try is separate Enzo from the herd in his own pasture and feed him green, soft, non stemmy hay and see if Enzo can digest this better? But I am at a boarding faculty and I am not sure if my barn owner will go for this? This weekend I will walk the fence line and see if I can see if Enzo is eating any weird tree limbs, or something? Plus I am bummed. Enzo ass looks like shit litterally. It's pointless for me to clean, since it's dirty again in no time. And it's winter we don't have a wash rack, or warm water, sighhh. I am making calls daily to vets. Yes, I am sure they are sick of me by now also.  Yes, even though his ass looks like shit. The rest of Enzo is fine. Enzo eats, he is goofy as normal, and goofing around outside. That is why Enzo has not had to make any trips to the horsey hospital. It's just driving me crazy. Is there something more going on than the teeth? Or am I trying to find something else wrong?

I'll keep you posted:( Janine and runny butt Enzo


  1. We'll cross our hooves that you find out what's causing poor Enzo's issues. Would drive me nuts too.

  2. Poor Enzo! I hate that they can't talk and tell us what is wrong. I hope everything works out for you guys.

  3. Ugh, that sucks! The WB X horse where I board at, has a runny butt and diarrhea. He's been that way since September, it's awful! He's on Bio Sponge too but I see he doesn't really eat it, so nothing's changed. I've read runny rear could be some inflammation inside colon, and Teff hay could help, but not sure if it's easily found or not in our area, or affordable. Hopefully, it will stop soon. As long as he's drinking/eating fine, consider yourself lucky! :) Although I totally understand your frustration. HUGS

  4. Have you asked if you can try antibiotics just in case there is some sort of infection? Also I would give him some probiotics ( just to help balance his gut flora. It's not expensive. I use it every time they have dewormer, antibiotics or are really stressed (like when Chrome was gelded). Love the stuff. It's like yogurt for us. Just reintroduces healthy bacteria, which would help him digest things better. Also have you considered ulcers? If he was in pain for a while from his teeth he could have developed them . . . I've heard people give horses Maalox (I think, ask your vet to be sure, never tried it personally) for around three days and if there is an improvement that means it is ulcers. If not, then no harm done except ruling something out. Way cheaper that using Gastroguard or scoping. Just some thoughts. I hope you can figure it out. Please keep us updated!

  5. Yes, I have him on the pro biotics since this started. Now I will try NEW advanced Neigh lox(comes this week). They just came out with this advanced one. Just in case any ulcers?? It will treat that and anything going on with front gut and hind gut. My vet didn't think Enzo needs any antibiotics. Plus, antibiotics can also mess up his gut. So for now, we won't do that. My vet said, she has seen lots of horses this year with this. Due to our warm weather and the horses eating weeds and other things in their pastures they normally cannot eat all winter. My friend and a friend of hers also has 1 horse each with the same issue. But nobody is sick, and they all have normal poop balls. So even if the neigh lox doesn't get rid of the runs??? It still will help Enzo whole inner gut for 40 days. By then hopefully spring will be closer and Enzo can get back to grass??? And hopefully things will go back normal!!!!!

    1. Duh, antibiotics would make the gut worse. My bad lol. I hope the neigh lox helps. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about if the vet isn't worried. I understand how annoying it must be though. Keep us updated please!

    2. I will, and I bugged 2 vets about it and neither was concerned. They said, it's more of an annoyance to me(keeping his butt clean). Yes, it is.
