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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Interesting Parelli lesson the other night!

I got the chance to take a lesson with Parelli Professional Steve Andrews Monday night for 1 hour. I am sure Kaspin was thrilled once again, LOL. My main thing was picking Steve's brain whether Kaspin is an RBI or and LBI???? Steve thinks 100% that Kaspin is an LBI. WOW, in many ways. I am thrilled, because when I was trying out Kaspin from the Haflinger breeder I thought then, that Kaspin was LBI. I wanted an LBI. Since my last horse Palidor was an LBI and I like that horsenality a lot. But then Kaspin came to my barn and Kaspin has never lived anywhere else but at the breeders and once he was at my barn I had Kaspin the RBI horse. Kaspin was worried and scared of everything. Would even take me half an hour to walk Kaspin into the barn isle when I first got him. Oh boy I thought, but Kaspin was mine and I better figure it out. So over time Kaspin now is very familiar with his new barn, new equine buddies and me. So lately, I have been seeing a different horse. A horse who only wants to eat grass, snakes his neck at me sometimes, lay his ears back(but not mean, just being dominant) sometimes, pushes me with his shoulders sometimes, pushes me his nose sometimes, jumps around and give me attitude sometimes, and flicks his nose at me from afar sometimes. All basically dominant behaviors that come from a left brain horse. I still think Kaspin innately is a LBI, but since Kaspin hasn't experienced life that much. Kaspin of course, still can go RBI in very new situations, or environments  Like when, I take Kaspin to the parelli play days, costume contest, etc. But I think the more I take Kaspin out to places he will realize it also is no big deal and the LBI in him will come back out. I am taking Kaspin out again on Nov 18th to a Parelli workshop. I am really looking forward to it and seeing how Kaspin handles his 3 outing in his life with me. Either way, I will have more savvy arrows to play with my LBI/RBI Hafllinger Kaspin. The journey continues so stay tuned. Missing my other boy horribly, but enjoying I have the buterball to hug and kiss to help the sorrow, Janine, and Kaspin

A favorite picture of Kaspin and I from last fall, so I had to post again:) Gosh, 15'2 hands seems so small when all my life I have had horses 16'2 hands to 17'2 hands tall. Well less height to fall from, right?? LOL. 


  1. It's funny that you mention Kaspin can be LBI and RBI, because when you sent me that Horsenality link, I thought Shy can fit into almost all these categories! I do not know too much about Parelli, so I thought I was just reading the chart all wrong.

    It's good to hear that you and Kaspin are getting out and having fun!

    1. Yes, horses can hop back and forth, but it's usually between ONLY 2 of them. BUT they still are innately 1 kind of horsenality. Just like humans. I am a right brain extrovert innately, but I can go Right brain Introvert also. So I am thinking Kaspin is innately left brain introvert, but in certain situations he can also go right brain introvert. When you did the chart you should have one section with just a few more dots in one. That is usually the type of horse you have. Just by watching your posts also. I would guess you have a left brain introvert also. He too might go right brain in new or scary situations. But his main characteristic is LBI. Hope this helps, it is hard to type out, lol. If your dots really are everywhere and you were doing Parelli. It means you would have to help your horse out and get him more centered to what horsenality he really is, so he wasn't scattered on the chart everywhere. Then you would redo the chart in a year or whenever and see the changes. Meaning, your dots should change from before. So lets say you said your horse is really spooky, but helped your horse a lot in that area. Then later when you did the chart you might say my horse is not spooky anymore, or less spooky than before. Some dots never change!! But can get milder. Again, I hope this helps, or is just sounding more confusing, LOL. Either way, just have fun:)

  2. He may be 15.2 (which I think is a perfect height) but he is a power house! And beautiful. I love following your journey. I just got done with a Buck clinic and the beginning of December will be watching the Parelli's themselves in NC! Can't wait.

    1. Oh Margaret, Buck is awesome and you too will have a super time with Parelli in NC. Wow, 2 great clinicians in a row. Lucky woman. Have fun:)

  3. How exciting for both you and Kaspin. You really make me want to get out and do more. I'm thinking Camryn is RBI, did the test a while back but, can't recall exactly.

  4. Just found Camryn's test, oops she's a LBI!
