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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Trailer fun!

Here are my trailering pictures of our progress!! I am soo thrilled that Enzo and I are doing so well with the trailer now. These pictures show how Enzo can go on, have door closed, stand comfortable, and come off again. This is huge for us, since he couldn't do any of it, LOL. I have to get Enzo very confident and comfortable in a trailer. Someday I am moving to Pinehurst NC and Enzo will need to make that trek as well and it probably will take Enzo at least 15 hours or more to get there.
Create great moments~ Janine and EnzoGetting on

almost on

closing door

closed door

door back open

Enzo safely coming off!


  1. That's awesome Janine!!

    I'm now following you on my personal blog (

    Kerrin Koetsier
    Parelli Central

  2. Ohh cool! I put you on my list now as well!!

  3. That is so cool! Great job :)

