Last night was another lesson with Parelli Professional Meggie Andrews! She is leaving soon for the internship, so I am really glad we got to squeeze in one last lesson before she goes. I bet she will have a wonderful time, but my horses and I sure will miss her! I hope she keeps up on her blog . So I can follow her trip/externship in CO.
Anyway, I had this lesson with Kaspin. I wanted to work on his canter on the circle game. And I wanted to learn steady rein. And lastly I wanted to try Meggie's Parelli General Purpose Fluidity saddle.
Meggie gave me some super pointers for the canter. I am to work on my traveling circles. And in the circles work on a slow trot and a fast trot. Then when I get the fast trot correct and steady with Kaspin in a nice frame of mind. I can ask for a change of direction and get the canter going the opposite way. I got one really nice change with Meggie there last night and it felt really good to me. I am sure Kaspin thought the same thing! I will keep practicing!!!
Wow, I now love the steady rein!! Once I got more of the idea!! For a short explanation. It really is kind of like a half halt. It's just enough for the horse to listen back to the human and check in for a moment. Once you horse has the idea again. You let them go back on the track they were on. As soon as they wander from their track. You steady them and get them back on track. It's really cool I do have to say myself. The biggest thing to remember. Is to not use the reins to turn or steer, and after the horse is back and steady again. Let go of the reins and go back to neutral. Fun!
Then came the saddle. My very first impression was, I didn't like it. The seat was wider than I was used to and it felt hard! But I kept walking around in it. We made the stirrups my length for my leg and I walked around some more. I started to get used to it. And I didn't notice the wide, or hard seat anymore! It was already gone. I finally decided, I should at least trot in it while I had it. So I asked for a trot and I was in LOVE!!! This saddle is AWESOME!!! My body wasn't tipping forward, or back. It felt perfect center! My heals stayed down with NO problem at all!!! I found my balance point so easy! And I could still feel my horse and my horse could still feel me!! Even Meggie said, my seat looked sooooo much better and I looked so much more comfortable! Oh gosh, I think I will eventually invest in a new saddle. But I will have to find this saddle used! Brand new they are $4000.00 dollars. Used is about $2500.00. I want the Parelli dressage fluidity saddle. It has a little deeper seat and I have always used dressage and prefer them over General Purpose.
All in all, I had a super fun night. I sooo love Meggie! And Kaspin was the best horse ever as always!! I couldn't have asked for a better night!!! Thanks Meggie and Kaspin!!!
Keep it natural, Janine and Kaspin!!!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Pat Parelli - Equine Behavior Lecture at Colorado State University (Part 1-4) A must watch!
Want to learn more about Pat Parelli's philosophy. Then these videos are for you:)
All very inspiring and enjoy! Keep it natural, Janine
All very inspiring and enjoy! Keep it natural, Janine
Chris Cox's daughter needs prayer.
Please keep Chris Cox and his family in your prayers, his daughter was kicked in the head by a horse yesterday. From what I have read she has a skull fracture and a broken jaw, but is stable. My prayers go to the family!
Isn't she cute!
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Wow, what an eye opener I had last night! And what fun my boys and I had last night! Meggie Andrews Parelli professional showed up at perfect time and we got started right away. I knew, I wanted to ride Enzo last night. Since I have been having a hard time with Enzo understanding forward more than 4 steps at a time. With then a long pause till Enzo moves again. And then I get confused of what to do and that never helps the situation. So I made sure Enzo was all saddled and ready to go when Meggie got there. We went and Played with the Parelli games on the 22 foot line first to warm us both up. I got help with my Parelli Figure 8 game. I am still too slow and need to direct the NOSE sooner. Then, I worked on the Parelli S pattern and things went great. We then worked on falling leaf Parelli pattern. I really learned a lot on this. Because I found out that I am not disengaging Enzo's hindquarters at all. I was basically trying to make it an S pattern but walking forward and that doesn't work. We also worked on Enzo cantering on the 22 foot line for longer periods of time. Meggie gave me strategies to keep Enzo motivated. Then we got to the riding. Enzo sidepased over to the fence to pick me up and never moved. What a good boy! Meggie asked me show her my phases of asking Enzo forward. I pick up the reins, I am looking up and looking where I want to go, I use all 4 cheeks, then my thighs, then my calf's, then I use my micate rein to cause commotion behind me, then I touch Enzo on the back end with micate rein if needed. Most of the time Enzo will walk forward by all 4 cheeks or sometimes commotion behind me. Meggie did notice how nice Enzo walks off, but doesn't walk very far. Meggie then asked me to go through all my phases again but faster. I did and Enzo moved just fine but again only 4 steps. Meggie said, make sure you are picking a SPOT you want to go to. Basically Parelli point to point. I made sure I really knew my spot and went through my phases again. This time Enzo went to the spot. It was slow, but we got there!!!!! Meggie had me practice farther and farther away spots and if Enzo stopped while getting there. Then I need to ask again fast and go through my phases faster. Before I would just let Enzo stop and I really didn't know what to do and I would pet him and hang out. Then I would go through my phases again slowly. I also noticed that if I really have a FOCUS of where I really want to go and once Enzo gets there, I take all the pressure off. It gives Enzo a clear idea of what I want. And when we get there and I release all the pressure of thinking we are on a mission. Enzo starts to get the idea we really have a job! I can even give Enzo grass once I get to my point. But Enzo is very food motivated so I just have to make sure the grass idea is still my idea and not his eventually. I told Meggie I was all good for tonight with Enzo and riding. Since I don't ride him that long either, due to his age. I then got off and we let Enzo go for the evening:)
Next on the list was Kapin. I knew my main thing for Kaspin was trailer loading. I have gotten Kaspin where he can load onto the trailer all by himself very nice and come off very nice. But I have a slant load and I have been teaching Kaspin to load into the front stall and then I need to close the slant gate behind him. That is where my problems are. Kaspin is still not confident having the slant load closed on him. Kaspin then wants to fly out. I can load Kaspin with 2 people and basically make Kaspin stay on the trailer, while someone else shuts the slant gate and the door. But I want to do it all by myself and I want Kaspin 100% confident in the trailer with slant and doors shut. So Meggie helped me with Kaspin. I am to have Kaspin only get in with one or two front feet and then I ask him to come off. Not Kaspin deciding when to come off on his own. I should get kaspin really good at going back and forth. Maybe with 1 foot in then eventually 3 feet in and then back off again. I am sure that will help us tons. I also showed Meggie I would practice opening and closing the slant gate and the back door. And when Kapsin wants to get off, I let him off. Meaning, if Kaspin gets worried about the slant or the door. I don't slam them shut and make Kaspin stay on! Meggie said, that was perfect, but she would stop swinging the doors before Kaspin feels the need to get off. AHHH HHAA, great idea! So the next time I do trailer load practice with Kaspin. I will swing the doors and get Kaspin off the trailer before he thinks of coming off. Yeahhhh!!!
In the beginning of our lesson, I asked Meggie to really watch the horsenality of my horses. I say Kaspin is an LBI that can go RBI and I wanted to make sure I was correct? Meggie confirmed I am correct, yeah. Now with Enzo I have been a bit confused. When I first purchased Enzo I got a horsenality test done on him and he came back as an LBE. Which I figured being super young made sense. As I have owned Enzo his feet have gotten much slower. Which makes me think Enzo is going to be more LBI. But after our lesson Meggie informed me that Enzo still is innately LBE!!!!!! WOW, was I surprised. I guess, I shouldn't be surprised! But I guess, in the back of my head I was really hoping Enzo would be LBI instead. Because my last horse was an LBI and I am just used to this type of horse an they usually don't move too much. Meaning safe. Lucky for me though Enzo is an LBE with low spirit. Meaning he still wont run as a far as an Arabian when spooked! Which is good for me to hear!!! But this means I really need to get more interesting for Enzo and keep his mind even more entertained, than I have been doing. That was another reason Enzo's feet don't really move as much as he would like. Enzo is bored at times and I need to keep my games changing more and keep them interesting more. I noticed with the lesson with Meggie we really had Enzo move his feet and really used his brain and Enzo loved it! It was really cool to see Enzo like this! Wow, a lot to chew on!!!!!
So of the whole evening the most that blew me away was wow, I really do own an LBE!
Keep it natural, Janine, Enzo and Kaspin!
Next on the list was Kapin. I knew my main thing for Kaspin was trailer loading. I have gotten Kaspin where he can load onto the trailer all by himself very nice and come off very nice. But I have a slant load and I have been teaching Kaspin to load into the front stall and then I need to close the slant gate behind him. That is where my problems are. Kaspin is still not confident having the slant load closed on him. Kaspin then wants to fly out. I can load Kaspin with 2 people and basically make Kaspin stay on the trailer, while someone else shuts the slant gate and the door. But I want to do it all by myself and I want Kaspin 100% confident in the trailer with slant and doors shut. So Meggie helped me with Kaspin. I am to have Kaspin only get in with one or two front feet and then I ask him to come off. Not Kaspin deciding when to come off on his own. I should get kaspin really good at going back and forth. Maybe with 1 foot in then eventually 3 feet in and then back off again. I am sure that will help us tons. I also showed Meggie I would practice opening and closing the slant gate and the back door. And when Kapsin wants to get off, I let him off. Meaning, if Kaspin gets worried about the slant or the door. I don't slam them shut and make Kaspin stay on! Meggie said, that was perfect, but she would stop swinging the doors before Kaspin feels the need to get off. AHHH HHAA, great idea! So the next time I do trailer load practice with Kaspin. I will swing the doors and get Kaspin off the trailer before he thinks of coming off. Yeahhhh!!!
In the beginning of our lesson, I asked Meggie to really watch the horsenality of my horses. I say Kaspin is an LBI that can go RBI and I wanted to make sure I was correct? Meggie confirmed I am correct, yeah. Now with Enzo I have been a bit confused. When I first purchased Enzo I got a horsenality test done on him and he came back as an LBE. Which I figured being super young made sense. As I have owned Enzo his feet have gotten much slower. Which makes me think Enzo is going to be more LBI. But after our lesson Meggie informed me that Enzo still is innately LBE!!!!!! WOW, was I surprised. I guess, I shouldn't be surprised! But I guess, in the back of my head I was really hoping Enzo would be LBI instead. Because my last horse was an LBI and I am just used to this type of horse an they usually don't move too much. Meaning safe. Lucky for me though Enzo is an LBE with low spirit. Meaning he still wont run as a far as an Arabian when spooked! Which is good for me to hear!!! But this means I really need to get more interesting for Enzo and keep his mind even more entertained, than I have been doing. That was another reason Enzo's feet don't really move as much as he would like. Enzo is bored at times and I need to keep my games changing more and keep them interesting more. I noticed with the lesson with Meggie we really had Enzo move his feet and really used his brain and Enzo loved it! It was really cool to see Enzo like this! Wow, a lot to chew on!!!!!
So of the whole evening the most that blew me away was wow, I really do own an LBE!
Keep it natural, Janine, Enzo and Kaspin!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Parelli Lesson tonight!
I am pretty excited I am going to have a 2 hour lesson tonight with my 2 boys! With my Parelli instructor Meggie Andrews!!! I'll have to let you know how it goes!!! Janine
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Enzo nose pics June 11th 2012 update.
So this is what Enzo's nose looks like now. His injury happened Aril 30th, 2012. The cut on the nose is finally healed at least. The bump is smaller and over the next year or so? I hope for the lump to get even smaller! I hope! AND Enzo please stay out of trouble!! Love your mom!
Front view of course.
Side view of course, LOL.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Please click LIKE for our Parelli Columbus Tour Video!
Ok, we are now on ParelliTube!!!!! Please watch this Link and PLEASE CLICK LIKE! The video with the most LIKES wins!!!!! Thanks, Janine
Parelli contest rules:
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Parelli Horse and Soul Tour Columbus, Ohio 2012 VIDEO
My best friend Kim Veenstra and I created this video at the Columbus, OH Parelli Soul and Horse Tour this past weekend. We really had a fun time making this video and I hope you enjoy it as well. We will be entering in the video contest(I listed rules below) that the Parelli's are offering also. Even if we don't win! We learned so much this weekend, met new friends, and left with more great horse knowledge!!! Please enjoy!
Parelli contest rules.
Keep it natural, Janine
Parelli contest rules.
Keep it natural, Janine
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Parelli horse and Soul Tour was sooo much fun!
Ok, I rotated these pics in my computer. But when I upload them to the blog, they turn sideways again! Computers, why!! Either way, here are some Parelli Hour and Soul Tour pics from Columbus OH. The pictures are not my best. Lighting was very dark and my camera was having issues with the focus. A little while later my camera stopped taking pictures at all! I now found out my lens is broke and that is why all the problems. I am at work and will post more later. Enjoy and click on pic to enlarge.
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Pat Parelli and Slider. |
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Jesse and his son. |
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Sales area. |
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Crowd! |
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Parelli Bridles. |
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Cool Parelli stuff for sale. |
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Pretty! |
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Slider's freeze brand. |
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Pat and Slider |
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Jake and Newton. |
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Lovely Atwood Ranch freeze brand. I love these horses(quarter horses and their farm). |
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Jake and Newton. |
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Pat winked at me taking this pic. |
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Pat and Slider |
Friday, June 1, 2012
Off to Columbus OH. Yipppeeee! Parelli here I come!
I'll post my fun when I am back!!!! Very excited!!! Can you tell!!!
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