So last week I rode Kaspin in a halter again for the first time since I bought him(he normally drags/hangs hard on a halter and won't listen at all. That's why I put him in the Parelli cradle bridle for a while). But Kaspin did super well in the halter last week!! I was sooo happy with that. He still isn't that soft on the Parelli porcupine game with his nose. So I am going to really work on that. And now that winter is here and I will be mostly indoors with him and doors shut. I will continue to practice with the halter on. Kaspin should be super by spring for sure. I am OK!!! But I did fall off of Kaspin last week. It was actually a bit funny. He spooked and bolted forward about 4 to 5 steps. But enough for me to loose balance and I just couldn't say on. I fell on my right hip. But actually both my hips feel fine now. Anyway, we have raccoons that come out of the walls in the indoor arena at night and hang on the rafters in the arena and watch us ride. Kaspin has not seen them as of yet! But he did last week and took off! After I fell off, Kaspin turned around and came back to me and looked at me on the ground. Like what are you doing down there(I love horses that don't leave you). I got up and told him..... don't you know I cannot fall of off horses kaspin(I have bad hips)! Like he would know, right!!! Anyway, I took him over to the mounting block and got back on. He was fine and we ended the night fine. Enzo has already seen the raccoons many times and just thinks they are interesting and even likes to watch them. But this was the first evening since it got dark early that Kaspin got to meet one last night. Since the raccoons come out at dark of course. Since then, Kaspin has been all freaked out in the arena even in the daylight. When my friend watched him last weekend. Kaspin basically bolted 3 more times in the arena with me on him(I stayed on these times). Kaspin hears any noise in the arena and thinks it's the raccoons coming out!!! My friend said, it seems he is scared from zone 5. Ahh haaa, the last owner sold him for bucked her off!! Makes sense now. Kaspin is super timid and super un-confident and not brave at all. I am really thinking Kaspin is a Right Brain Introvert!!! Instead of a Left Brain Introvert, which I thought at first. So my new plans are getting Kaspin more confident and trusting me more. I took my friends advice and decided to test out the zone 5 thing. I decided to take a Pareli carrot stick with a bag on the end. Kaspin thought I had pulled out the boggy man!!! Wow, what a different horse! Eventually, with approach and retreat I made it to the back legs. WOW, was my freind correct! Kaspin bucked like there was no tomorrow at the carrot stick and bag! So I do have my work cut out for me!! I am not going to ride Kaspin anymore until I can get this fixed in our relationship. I don't need more falls and Kaspin can buck sooo high, when he is scared! And I know I won't stay on, since Kaspin is all freaked out in the arena right now. I better stay safe and stay on the ground on line. But I am very interested in learning Kaspins right brain!!! How interesting!!! Keep it savvy!! Janine and Kaspin!!!