Enzo's beautiful barefoot hooves. Ohhh, soo pretty! My boys were super this weekend and it must have been in the air! Because the weather was just as super! I rode Kaspin Saturday and Sunday in the indoor and then we rode outside for our first time ever. I rode down to the outdoor arena and played some more. I also asked kaspin for his first CANTER in the outdoor arena. Kaspin did great, it was sooo much fun!! After I was done, I took Kaspins bridle off and just let him graze in the outdoor arena and enjoy the sun. Enzo was in another grass pasture stuffing his gut already, while I was riding Kaspin. Afterwards on both days, I went and played with Enzo out in his grass pasture. We worked on sideways, sideways to me, circle game, yo yo game, and lots of fun Parelli stuff. Of course, Enzo was very exuberant as well. Since there was lots of nice grass around for an extra incentive. Then of course, I had to bring my camera again. Enzo is now pretty much the darkest he will be and I had to get some new coat color change pictures. Look how funny Enzo's nose/muzzle looks! It stayed light with this fall/winter coat change??? Horses coats do some funny different things every year. I also got some of Kaspin. His coat is so long and thick already, it's just nuts. You can see both boys were really enjoying their grass pastures. Since a lot of pictures are with head down, doing their favorite thing!!!