I am just loving the weather in NC! I get lots of chances to ride all winter. Unlike MI where many times I couldn't even make the snowy or icy roads to get to the barn. Plus, Kaspin is now 15 mins from me! In MI I was an hour to an hour and a half away from Kaspin. Also with Kaspin so close! I get to see him everyday now! Before I couldn't afford the gas! This barn I board at doesn't have any arena's though. So I have pretty much no choice to only trail ride. They do have miles and hours worth of trails!!! So as soon as I got the ok from vet and hoof trimmer to ride. We did!! Kaspin was soooooo nervouse the first weeks. I never thought I would get Kaspin to relax! My hands were hurting from trying to hold him back. I worked hard on Kaspin listening to me and not the other horses. I practiced circles when he couldn't stand still at all. I practiced backing, stopping, trotting when other horses were walking, walking when other horses were trotting, side passing on trail, being end horse etc. I did all these things so Kaspin would pay attention to me only on the ride. Finally after a month Kaspin blew out 4 times on the trail yesterday!!!!! Meaning he got relaxed enough to blow out! Yes Kaspin has trail riden before! But he was off work for at least 8 months from his laminitis and insulin resistance and I took him trail riding cold with no arena work. Just a little bit of round pen work each day before the rides. Either way Kaspin has learned lots in the last month. We pretty much trail ride 4 miles each day. Kaspin still gets nervouse being end horse. He likes to lead. Kaspin gets really nervouse with things far behind him and noises he can't see. I am hoping over time he will get used to all these experiences and I keep working with him trusting my leadership! He needs to trust me. Here are some of my pics! Keep it natural!! Thanks Kaspin! I love you!